Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS)

Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) provides equal educational opportunities for students with physical, psychological, and learning disabilities. Students with disabilities are encouraged to lead active and independent lives by participating in all college programs and achieving academic and career goals. Counseling, support services, and academic accommodations are provided to students who are eligible for the program.


Students with the following documented disabilities are eligible to receive support services and academic accommodations:

·         Mobility impairment

·         Blind and visual impairment

·         Deaf and hearing impairment

·         Psychological and mental health disabilities

·         Attention deficit disorder (ADD/ADHD)

·         Other medical disabilities that result in a functional limitation that affects academics

·         Students of average or above learning aptitude with a specific learning disability that significantly impacts their educational progress

The specific disability must be verified, and there must be an educational limitation that precludes the student from fully participating in general education without additional specialized services. Students must submit documentation of their disability from another school, college, or the appropriate professional. In addition, testing and assessment services are available on a limited basis.

Academic Accommodations

Accommodations are individually determined for students with disabilities according to the functional limitations of the specific disability. Accommodations may include:

·         Testing accommodations, including an extension of time, distraction-reduced testing, use of a calculator, spell checker, computer, or modification of the test response format.

·         The use of equipment and materials such as a tape recorder, calculator, electronic text, or spell checker in the classroom and in completing class assignments.

·         The use of personnel such as sign language interpreters, note-takers (while attending class), and readers and scribes for test situations.

·         Alternate print formats, including electronic text, books on compact disc or MP3, or large print materials and braille. Students who require alternate formats of college publications and resources should check with DSPS. These are obtained in the timeliest manner possible.

Support Services

Community Christian College also provides a variety of support services to students with disabilities. These include priority registration, study strategy consultation tutoring in special situations, and orientation to the campus if not attending online.