college Academic Catalog
This version includes the new AZ-SARA grievance/complaint procedures
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Grievance/Complaint Policy and Procedures
Student Academic Grievance Policy
Students have the right to petition the administration concerning course grades, course conduct, and College policies and practices. All petitions concerning course grades or course conduct must first be undertaken with the instructor no later than two weeks following receipt of the quarter’s grade report. If the matter cannot be resolved between
student and instructor, the student may make written petition to the Academic Dean for a review of the grade, and that officer’s decision in the matter is final.
Grievances- All Students
In every segment of the College life there may be issues that arise that need to be addressed in such a way that wisdom and insight from all levels of College administration are needed. CCC wishes to provide education instruction and services of the highest quality to its students and facilitate equity and harmony in the application of policies and procedures. When a student has a complaint or grievance, CCC has developed procedures to resolve the matter. Initial grievances regarding decisions and policies of the administration or individual with it should be filed at the lowest level possible. This grievance may be in oral form. A grievance is a complaint arising out of any alleged unauthorized or unjustified act or decision by a member of the college community that in any way adversely affects the status, rights, or privileges of any student. The due process grievance procedure is as follows:
1. The student, who believes he or she has been treated unfairly by the College, and seeks adjustment in the outcome of the situation, should make an informal complaint by discussing the issue directly with the person(s) concerned (i.e. appropriate instructor, staff member, or administrative officer) who may be able to help rectify or clarify the situation prior to initiating any other action. All academic personnel responsible for receiving complaints must maintain confidentiality by not sharing the information, but maintaining the student’s privacy and seeking resolution to solve the concern or complaint.
2. If the student believes that the grievance is unresolved, the student may submit an appeal in writing stating the nature of the grievance, the evidence upon which it is based, and the redress sought, using the CCC Student Complaint Form, available online. It should be submitted to the Academic Dean, who is also the Title IX Coordinator.
3. If the student is not in agreement with the resolution provided, the student may write a letter of appeal to the Board of Trustees for additional review. The Board of Trustees serves as the final decision authority. Any decision of the Board of Trustees is subject to one appeal. At this level, the matter will be discussed and a final ruling given. This will be documented in the student’s record and the resolution will be communicated to the student in writing.
4. All records of any complaints, such as the CCC Student Complaint Form and letters of appeal, will be archived in the Compliance Office and a Complaint Log will be kept. The records will be kept secure in a locked cabinet to ensure confidentiality.
In addition, a student may file a complaint with TRACS (Transnational Association of Christian Colleges and Schools) by (1) using the TRACS Complaint Processing Form located at , (2) by writing to: TRACS, 15935 Forest Road, Forest, VA 24551, or (3) by calling (434) 525-9539.
Grievances- Arizona Students
If the student complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the Institution’s grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Post-Secondary Education. The student must contact the State Board for further details. The State Board address is: 1740 W. Adams, Suite 3008, Phoenix, AZ 85007. Phone: (602) 542-5709 Website:
Grievances- AZ SARA
Distance education students, who have completed the institution’s grievance process and the applicable state grievance process, may appeal complaints to the AZ SARA Council.
Complaints must be submitted within two years of the incident. Complaints regarding student grades or student conduct violations may not be appealed to the AZ SARA
Council. The complaint form is available at
Grievances- Georgia Students
In accordance with Georgia Code Section 20.3.250 (, the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission seeks to assure that GNPEC institutions maintain procedures and standards of procedural fairness through which students can bring complaints to the attention of the institution. GNPEC expects that these institutional procedures are applied appropriately and consistently, and that students will utilize and complete these institutional procedures in an attempt to resolve any complaint or concern before submitting a complaint to the Commission. If the institution’s resolution is not satisfactory, you may appeal to the Commission, but it will not investigate a complaint unless the student has exhausted all available grievance procedures outlined by the institution. The Commission deals with things in which the institution is not in compliance with the Commission’s Minimum Standards, and the student may fill out the complaint form obtained from complaint-forms. In order to be reviewed by the Commission, the complaint must be filed within 90 calendar days from the final resolution from the institution, and it must include the following: (1) Basis for any allegation of noncompliance with GNPEC standards or requirements, (2) All relevant names and dates and a brief description of the actions forming the basis of the complaint, (3) Copies of all documents or materials related to the allegations, including institutional responses documentation and/or analysis, and (4) Proof of completion of the institutional complaint or grievance process (for students).
If the complaint regards Federal Financial Aid, it should be addressed to the U.S. Department of Education, using the following URL: 28022/28025/Article/1013/Complaint-against-a-school.
TraCS Accreditation reporting transfer, retention & graduation rates
Campus Security Act Disclosure
Clery Report (2023 Annual Crime Report shows no crime reported over the four-year reporting period.)
Community Christian College Academic Catalog
Early Childhood Education students at the Redlands, California Online Support Center.