Student Services
Community Christian College offers a commuter-based rather than a residential educational program. It is the clear objective of the college to provide educationally purposeful, high quality programs and services conducive to “whole person” development, both in and out of the classroom.
Request for tutoring services are made through the Directory of Student Services for scheduling purposes. Group or individual study halls are made available according to the term schedule. For more information on tutoring services provided, please contact the
First Home Game - Ever! Jan 2020
Catalog for Prospective Students
It is the policy of Community Christian College to provide all prospective students with a catalog which may be obtained on the website or a hard copy which may be obtained at the College offices. As a prospective student, you are required to review the catalog and the school performance fact sheet.
Student Orientation
The purpose of Orientation is to prepare students for the upcoming school year academically, socially and spiritually. Orientation includes an introduction to both the academic and student life aspects of the College. It is provided to new students, typically in the Fall, through an online form of delivery.
Counseling Services
The College provides confidential personal counseling for issues of adjustment, relationships and personality development as students seek out the counsel of faculty and staff. Group and individual work in communication skills, stress management, and goal setting are handled routinely. Referrals for special problems are made to specialists as needed. Please contact our Chaplain.
Chapel Program
A program of worship and spiritual nurture is built into the structure of the College to underscore and augment its Christian character. Online devotionals are regularly distributed to students, staff, and instructors. Formal chapel programs may be offered at various locations suitable to integration with student activities.
Learning Resources
The College has an onsite library with holdings of over 12,000 volumes, including a standard array of basic reference works. All of the book resources for the library are listed in the online library catalog, available via the Internet (on the Library page of the College website). As a member of the LIRN online resource system, cCc students have access to a very selection of professional articles and periodicals.
In the physical library, check-out-able laptops are available for researching information and completing writing assignments or PowerPoint projects.
Student Employment
A student’s work load should not detract from his/her academic progress and achievement. It is strongly recommended that students not attempt to work full-time while enrolled in full-time course work.