Community Christian College serves primarily urban communities with an Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts degree to foster diversity, equity, and inclusion in the learning process and to educate students in a Christian worldview by developing the skills, competencies, and character to engage and thrive in our diverse world.

Strategic plan
Annual Plan (Annual Plan Audio Version)
Assessment Plan
Redesign of Measurement Tools - DRAFT (Reengineering Project Overview Survey Questionnaire)
Assessment Plan (Assessment Plan Audio Version)
Integrated Assessment with Narrative (Integrated Assessment with Narrative Audio Version)
Graduated Students Program Survey (Graduated Students Program Survey Audio Version)
DEI Implementation (DEI Implementation Audio Version)
Board of Trustees Survey (Board of Trustees Survey Audio Version)
Staff Satisfaction Survey (Staff Satisfaction Survey Audio Version)
Student Survey 2022 (Survey showed a 40% participation rate with all categories scoring over a 3)
Student Survey 2023 (2023 Spring Course Evaluation Survey Analysis and Assessment Report)
The Objectives were reviewed in October of 2023, by the Board of Trustees. It was approved and implemented.
In keeping with the mission of cCc, students are expected to meet certain outcomes upon graduation. These foundational goals are based upon specific measurable objectives as articulated below and measured in the institutional assessment plan.
Students completing their course of study in the Associate of Arts in Liberal Arts at cCc will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a foundational knowledge of the Scripture
2. Demonstrate the ability to effectively communicate in written and oral form
3. Demonstrate analytical reasoning skills with the ability to interpret and integrate knowledge
4. Demonstrate the ability to conduct basic research
Institutional Responsibility for Meeting Objectives:
All functions of cCc’s organization relates directly to the objective needed to be achieved by the students upon graduation. To that end, each department will take the following responsibility.
1. Administration: Serves to enable success by hiring qualified personnel using diverse committees trained in equity, diversity, and inclusion, promoting appropriate job training and continuing education, and ensuring the accomplishment of the objective.
2. Admissions: To admit students who are seeking an opportunity to increase their grade point averages in an effort to attend a four-year college and graduate.
3. Student Services: Demonstrate equity, diversity, and inclusion in the administration of the student government and while engaging in providing students with extra-curricular activities.
4. Education: Provide students with a Christian Worldview through-out the curricula, provide Chapel opportunities to all students, local and remote, develop within the students:
a. Appropriate associate degree level reasoning skills allowing for success at a four-year college
b. Appropriate associate degree level writing skills allowing for success at a four-year college
c. Appropriate associate degree level Math skills allowing for success at a four-year college
d. Appropriate associate degree level research skills allowing for success at a four-year college
5. Faculty: To develop course materials that adequately reflects the objectives of the institution, to continue to develop a personal level of skill within their field of study, and to be well-versed in equity, diversity, and inclusion.
6. Library: Assess the needs of the educational program and its emphasis electives and provide access to the appropriate level of research materials to graduate with an associate degree.
7. Facilities: Assess the needs and provide the appropriate facilities to support the educational and athletics requirements of the students
8. Fundraising: Seeks to provide the financial resources necessary to support the educational and athletic program objectives.
9. Students: Students should provide their reasonable best efforts to support the institutional objectives, display equity, diversity, and inclusion in all they do, and to make them-selves available to the all the opportunities made available by cCc.